
Journal Africain des Sciences is a biannual publication of the Faculté des Sciences et Technologies of the Université de Kinshasa. The Journal invites contributions in any field of fundamental and applied science.

Types of Contributions

Journal Africain des Sciences publishes substantial original work as :

  • Full papers
  • Short Communications
  • Reviews

Organizing your manuscript

The manuscript should be organized under the following headings.

  • TITLE : short, concise, reflecting the main content of the work. The Title should be centered and typed in bold letters.
  • CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS : The full names of all the authors should be given with superscript numbers indicating their respective affiliations. The corresponding author(s) should be indicated by a superscript asterisk.
  • AFFILIATIONS : If the authors addresses are different, a full address of each author should be given in accordance with the supercript number.
  • CORRESPONDING AUTHOR(S) : The e-mail address(es) of the corresponding author(s) should be given.
  • ABSTRACT : Should be a concise summary of the study. The Abstract should not exceed 200 words and should not contain references.
  • KEY WORDS : 4-6 main words contained in the Abstract and the Title, separated by commas.
  • INTRODUCTION : should clearly state the purpose of the work and the main objectives of the investigation.
  • EXPERIMENTAL SECTION : should mention all the chemicals, apparatus, software, instruments with their model numbers, manufacturer companies and supplier countries. Sample preparations should be clearly described.
  • RESULTS and DISCUSSION : The data used for the interpretation of the results should be presented as table or as Figure.
  • CONCLUSIONS : should be short and state the principal archivements of the study.
  • ACKOWLEDGEMENTS : should state any financial, material and technical support granted for the study.
  • REFERENCES : References numbers in the text should appear sequentially and indicated only in square brackets [ ]. Each reference should be given a separate reference number. The references should be listed in the References sections as 1., 2., 3., and not [ ]. The total number of references should not exceed 50.
  • REFERENCES WRITING : See the following examples :
    • Citing a Journal : O. Adeogoke and E.Y. Park, Nanofabricated optical tuning and epitascial overgrowth of In2 S3 shells on CdSe cores, New J. Chem. 2017, 41, 1303-1312.
      Include names of all authors.
    • Citing a book : D. Pines and P. Nozières, The Theory of Quantum Liquids :Normal Fermi liquids, W.A. Benjamin, New York, 1966.
    • Citing a M.Sc. or PhD. Thesis : D.D. Tshilanda, Contribution à l’étude phytochimique et activités anti-drepanocytaires de l’Ocimum basilicum, Mémoire de DEA, Université de Kinshasa (République Démocratique du Congo), 2011.
    • Citing an internet source : The website and the date of consultation should be given.
  • FORMULAS, FIGURES and TABLES : should be drawn with appropriate software and placed in the main body of the manuscript. The font size of lettering on Figures should remain easily readable even upon a 70% reduction. The widths of Figures and Tables should not exceed 5 inches (12.5cm) in the published version. Legends should be typed below the Figures and above the Tables and they should not be grouped with the Figures or the Tables.
  • CONFLICT of INTEREST : In the following statement : « There are no conflicts to declare », the authors must declare that they have no conflict of interest in the publication of the manuscript which is submitted.

Submitting your manuscript

The consent of all the authors of a manuscript must be obtained by corresponding author prior to its submission. The manuscript should be typed with double spacing using Times New Roman 12 and sent as an email attachment to.

A covering letter must accompagny the submission, indicating the name, full address and email address of the corresponding author. The letter should also certify that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere, and that it is being submitted exclusively to Journal Africain des Sciences.

Five potential referees should, if possible, be proposed in the covering letter.

The Peer Review Process

After being scanned for plagiarism according to the plagiarism policy, all manuscripts are subjected to an internal scrutiny by the corresponding discipline editor. Those manuscripts judged to be outside the journal’s scope or failing to meet a minimum quality and originality will be rejected. The others will be sent out to three reviewers chosen among the associate Editors or if necessary, outside the Editors team. The manuscript will be published upon at least two favourable responses from the reviewers to whom the manuscript was sent for evaluation.

Journal Africain des Sciences is committed to ensuring a fast and unbiased peer review of the submitted manuscripts, with an evaluation period of around twelve weeks between the submission and the final decision.

Article Processing Charges

Journal Africain des Sciences charges USD 150, as article processing charge for every submitted manuscript to start the review process. These fees are not refundable, regardless of the final decision(acceptance or rejection) on the manuscript.

Payment may be made either directly at the Faculty of Science (Comptabilité) or through the Faculty's bank account (at the RAWBANK):

Account Number : 05100 01075 01006829933 28

Open Access Statement

Journal Africain des Sciences is an open access, peer reviewed journal. All articles are therefore freely available without charge to all users once published. To facilitate this open and free access, the journal depends on the payment of a publication fee and, eventually, on funding generously provided by the Faculté des Sciences et Technologies.

The Creative Commons Licence is also attributed to articles that are published thus allowing users to copy, distribute and transmit an article as long as its author(s) is attributed. The authors retains copyright of their work with a creative commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) licence.